Book: The Two Kingdoms

My first book, “The Two Kingdoms – a simple way to view our complex world” is now published!

In his speech to kick off his 2024 reelection campaign, President Biden announced, “When I ran for president four years ago, I said we are in a battle for the soul of America. And we still are.” I am not sure whom he meant by “we”, but he was right – there is a battle for our souls – not only American souls but for the souls of every human. The battle underway is between Two Kingdoms. This book pulls back the veil to reveal the Kingdoms. No, it’s not the Republicans vs. Democrats, not the Liberals vs. Conservatives, not the US vs. the rest of the world, and definitely not the global elites vs. the rest of the world.

I’d recommend my book to anyone who is seeking answers in this world of uncertainty and confusion.

What’s my give?

For the week of August 19 to August 26, 2023, the Kindle price will be $2.99, and the paperback $9.99. After that, the prices will revert to $7.99 and $14.99.

 My ask:

1. Click here to buy the Kindle edition (you can read it via the Kindle app on your computer, phone, iPad, or Kindle), OR  click here to buy a paperback.

2. Leave an honest review on Amazon. A sentence or two is plenty.